NCP's Peer Learning Conference: Photos and Thanks from NCP
19 Jun 2019

On June 6 and 7, NCP, in collaboration with the SIRIUS Network, brought together educational stakeholders from across Europe for a two-day Peer Learning event. The aim of the event was to introduce educators, researchers and those working with migrant children in education, across Europe, to Ireland's programmes and initiatives for educating migrant children in Ireland. The event, which was organised by NCP’s Youth Coordinator Sevak Khachatryan, was informative for all, with delegates from Austria, Sweden, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Iceland and the Netherlands getting valuable insights into how Ireland approaches the education of migrant children.
Our thanks to all mentioned below
During our time together in Dublin, we concentrated our attention and presentations on two programmes delivered by Ireland’s Department of Education and Skills: the DEIS programme (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS), the Action Plan for Educational Inclusion) and the Home School Community Liaison Scheme. We had two stellar presentations from the professionals working in each programme: one from Grainne Egan Assistant Principal Officer of the Social Inclusion Unit (speaking about the DEIS programme) and one from Anne-Marie McGovern from Tusla Educational Welfare Services (about the Home School Community Liasion Scheme). NCP would like to thank both Grainne and Anne-Marie profusely. The feedback from attendees about their presentations was positive and enthusiastic; we are very grateful to both for sharing their time and considerable expertise. Doing so will help to further migrant educational outcomes across Europe.
We would also like to thank Jessica Farnan who gave a presentation and hosted us for a visit at the CDETB Youth and Education Service for Refugees and Migrants, an education and youth support service for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. The service provides opportunities and resources for young people to realise their fullest potential, to negotiate and navigate their new environment and life in Ireland, and to integrate into and contribute to Irish society.
On the second day of the Peer Learning event, we also visited St. Mary’s Primary School on Dorset Street, a particular highlight for a lot of our visiting education stakeholders. We got to speak with teachers, a school council (made up of four incredible St. Mary’s students), the school principal and the home school liaison offer. This was a chance to see Ireland’s policies and migrant initiatives in practice – and we were not disappointed. St. Mary’s Primary School is a shining example of just how positive and nurturing an environment can be when migrant children and local children are encouraged and facilitated to reach their full potential. Our sincere gratitude to all who made the trip such a pleasure.
We would like to also thank Edwina Steele and Noel Kelly, from the Department of Justice and Equality and the Department of Education and Skills respectively, for attending and being so happy to discuss Ireland’s migrant integration and educational approaches with the attendees.
Lastly, we would like to thank the experts, researchers and educators who came to Ireland for their attendance, as well as Sevak Khachatryan for all his work in coordinating and managing this event.
A selection of photos can be found on our Facebook page at: