Dublin Employment Pact
Dublin Employment Pact (DEP) was established in 1998 at the initiative of the Department of the Taoiseach with the active support of the social partners (in Partnership 2000) to tackle employment and development issues at Dublin Region level. It facilitates a wide range of organisations in researching, piloting and developing innovative and sustainable solutions to problems of disadvantage. DEP also coordinates the four Local Employment Services in Dublin Inner City for FAS and, for the Department of Social Protection, rolls out the work activation initiative, Tús, in Dublin's inner city.
DEP is a non-profit company, registered in Dublin (No. 340167). It is core-funded by Government through the local development agency Pobal under the LDCP of the National Development Plan and is a registered charity (CHY 14496). The Pact also attractes considerable funding from other sources for specific activities such as the EU Equal Programme, DAPHNE Fund and European Integration Fund, FÁS, the Department of Education and Science, the EU Lifelong Learning Initiative, the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (eKnowledge Unit), the Department of Social Protection and the Dublin Local Authorities.
The Objectives of Dublin Employment Pact are:
- to highlight the development needs of Dublin, with a particular emphasis on enhancing economic growth, employment and social inclusion across the region;
- ـ to promote practical solutions at a Dublin-wide level to persistent problems of urban disadvantage and social exclusion, focusing on areas of greatest disadvantage and on solutions to long-term unemployment, early school-leaving and equality in access to the labour market;
- ـ to promote new approaches to quality training, including opportunities for up-skilling and life-long learning, with a view to developing sustainable quality employment in the public and private sectors and in the social economy;